Finding non-potable water, in large quantities, for job sites or anywhere else, is a big PAIN!!  And, its getting harder every single day.  Water towers, trucks, sprayers, water trailers etc,  are all in high demand and the supply of equipment just cannot keep up.  If you do find one or some to rent, then you have the real issues to deal with….turnkey service, delivery, insurance, drivers, maintenance, pick up, etc.   Given this, we have spent some time investigating and outlining the Top 5 Water Truck Rentals in Austin, Texas.  This is a subjective list based on customer service, price, inventory availability and total volume of rentals in the past five years.

  1. DLB Industries LLC; HUB, TxDOT, WBE, MBE, DBE certified: Austin, Tx 512-637-4229
  2. H & E Equipment Leasing; San Antonio & Buda, Texas, 210-284-3379
  3. NIECE Equipment Leasing & Sales; Buda, Texas,  888-643-2372
  4. Holt Heavy Equipment Leasing & Sales; San Antonio, Texas; 800-736-8228
  5. Herc Equipment Leasing; Pflugerville, Texas; 888-777-4372

There are many benefits to leasing versus buying equipment. Every group has its business objectives, financial constraints, and operational goals that should be considered before deciding on the best acquisition method for the equipment. For most companies, leasing equipment offers flexibility, predictability, and lower risk. Equipment leasing is becoming increasingly more popular as businesses are experiencing the advantages and strategic value equipment leasing brings. In fact, according to Dos Mundos Developments, Inc., the global leasing industry has grown over 120% in the past decade, with North America representing over 35% of the total global market share in equipment leased.

Pros: Leasing Equipment  

Leasing equipment allows you to use the equipment for a fixed amount of time without the burden of ownership. The advantages of leasing are:

1. Conserve cash flow

2. Hedge against equipment obsolescence, parts inventories and storage

3. Keep strategic flexibility for managing your balance sheet

4. Select your own path with flexible end of lease options or renewals

5. Simplify administration, bookkeeping, millage logs, fuel efficiencies

Pros: Purchase Equipment

1. By owning your equipment, you are entitled to make any modifications to the machine. Owning also means maintenance is your responsibility so you can make sure that issues are resolved ASAP. This means you won’t have to wait for a leasing company to resolve the issue or approve the needed maintenance.

2. Buying can be easier because there are no agreements and contracts you must follow. You decide what type of equipment you want and its yours for use.

3. If you own equipment, you have the ability to sell at the end of it’s use, allowing you to recover some of the cost spent.

4. You have complete control over what type of equipment you get because you aren’t limited to what is available at a leasing company.  If there is a specific model/brand in mind you have the ability to find exactly that.

Please check our next blog post about insuring leased construction Equipment.


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